Coffee & Cohousing
Join Cohabitat Sweetfern Cohousing for an informal information session on cohousing and Cohabitat Sweetfern Cohousing's progress towards their community. Contact to get the link.
Join Cohabitat Sweetfern Cohousing for an informal information session on cohousing and Cohabitat Sweetfern Cohousing's progress towards their community. Contact to get the link.
Would you like to live in a supportive neighbourhood? One where you know your neighbours and have a say over how your neighbourhood is run? A community that cares about sustainability as well as each other? Brew up a cup of coffee (or other favourite morning beverage) and join us for a virtual get together […]
In the Hamilton area? Interested in Cohousing? Join Cohousing Hamilton on Zoom for informal information sessions on cohousing in general and Cohousing Hamilton in particular. Go to to sign up! Wednesday, May 26 from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm