News & Events

Common House, Munksøgard Cohousing Communities, DEN  © Kristopher Stevens, 2018

Whats New

Glassworks raises more than $600,000 in under two months to stave off sale of property

The members of Glassworks Village Co-operative in Owen Sound have put their money where their dreams are and raised more than $630,000 in investments with their backs against the wall to stop the sale of a 46-acre property in Owen Sound’s industrial park. With a...

City of New Westminster Report on Cohousing

The City of New West Minster has just received a report commissioned in 2022. The report, written by Gary Penway of Penway Consulting (, provides concise case studies of communities in British Columbia, identifies the community and private...

Compass Cohousing in Langley, BC

 Compass Cohousing brings a unique style of development to Langley, BC Matthew Clayton from Langley Advance Times reports on Langley’s second planned cohousing complex taking a big step forward in September. Township council gave the first phase of Compass Cohousing...

Cohousing Architect Training Program

6 month course starts July Caddis Collaborative and Schemata Workshop present: A training program designed for architects or architecture students who want to design community-driven housing skillfully It’s a program designed for architects who want to design...

Is Cohousing Right for You?

You are invited to join Cohousing Options Canada for a FOUR (4) part online workshop series of learning, discovery and reflection where you will find out: What cohousing is and how it maximizes privacy AND access to...

From consensus to sociocracy

“We’re run by consensus. How can we switch to sociocracy (Dynamic Governance)?” Sociocracy is used by dozens of communities (82 are listed on with “sociocracy” as their governance system) – for good reasons: Communities have egalitarian roots – everyone’s voice...

Cohousing group Cohabitat Sweetfern supports localSudbury Food Bank

This week, Cohabitat Sweetfern Cohousing donated $500 to Sudbury Food Bank in Sudbury. The donation to Sudbury Food Bank was raised through the recent online information workshop – “Cohousing 101” – organized by Cohousing Options Canada. Cohabitat Sweetfern Cohousing...

Why building age-friendlier communities is more important than ever – Globe and Mail

As recently as January, the Economist noted that 2020 marks the ‘decade of the old,’ acknowledging that the impact of the baby boom — those born between 1946 and 1965 — is finally being felt around the world, as healthcare professionals, policy makers and marketing practitioners alike come to grips with the long-awaited ‘grey tsunami.’

How can I make coffee better? Perhaps add some Nonviolent Communication

Better Humans Make Coffee Better and Humans become better when we are aware of how we are communicating with ourselves and each other. Most of what this blog is adapted from Marshall Rosenberg’s book titled, Nonviolent Communication, A Language of Life, which is also highly recommend reading. 

Designing the cohousing common house – Free online  e-book by Grace Kim, AIA 

Grace Kim’s cohousing research in Denmark reinforced her belief that the most significant architectural difference between cohousing and other forms of multifamily housing is the social coherence afforded by the Common House and the common spaces that link to private dwellings. Read here in-depth analysis, insights and recommendations online for free!

Upcoming Workshops


Is Cohousing Right for You?

Join Cohousing Options Canada for our 4 part online workshop series of learning, discovery and reflection where you will find out if cohousing is right for you.

Past Workshops

“Is Cohousing Right for You?” June 2021

Cohousing Options Canada is once again hosting for a FOUR (4) part online workshop series of learning, discovery and reflection.


  • June 7th (7-9 pm): Module 1: Personal Vision, Mission and Values
  • June 14st (7-9 pm): Module 2: Getting it Built
  • June 21th  (7-9 pm): Module 3: Living in Community
  • June 28th (7-9 pm): Module 4: Hopes and Fears

“Is Cohousing Right for You?” January – February 2021

Cohousing Options Canada is once again hosting for a FOUR (4) part online workshop series of learning, discovery and reflection.


  • January 14th (7-9 pm): Module 1: Personal Vision, Mission and Values
  • January 21st (7-9 pm): Module 2: Getting it Built
  • January 28th  (7-9 pm): Module 3: Living in Community
  • February 4th (7-9 pm): Module 4: Hopes and Fears

“Is Cohousing Right for You?” October – November 2020

Cohousing Options Canada hosted another FOUR (4) part online workshop.


  • October 22nd (7-9 pm): Module 1: Personal Vision, Mission and Values
  • October 29th (7-9 pm): Module 2: Getting it Built
  • November 5th  (7-9 pm): Module 3: Living in Community
  • November 12 (7-9 pm): Module 4: Hopes and Fears

“Is Cohousing Right for You?” August – September 2020

Cohousing Options Canada and Cohousing Hamilton delivered a FOUR (4) part online workshop.

  • August 20th (7-9 pm): Module 1: Personal Vision, Mission and Values
  • August 27th (7-9 pm): Module 2: Getting it Built
  • September 3rd (7-9 pm): Module 3: Living in Community
  • September 10th (7-9 pm): Module 4: Hopes and Fears

Cohousing 102: Taking Action, Taking Risks – June 21st, 2020 (1-3 pm): 

Now on YouTube, WATCH HERE!

Cohousing 101 – with an introduction to existing communities in Ontario – May 31, 2020

On May 31, Kristopher Stevens, Executive Director of Cohousing Options Canada gave an introduction to cohousing and its origins to over 120 zoom call attendees. Members of Cohousing Hamilton, Cohabitat Sweetfern Cohousing (Sudbury) and Cohousing Toronto provided an overview of their community, explained where they are in the development process and how people can get involved. In order to participate, Cohousing Options had asked participants for a donation to the cohousing groups’ local food banks. Together we raised $1,500.  Missed the workshop? No problem. You will find the workshop presentation here.  The webinar recording is available on YouTube.

Cohousing 101 (Sudbury, ON)

“Cohousing 101” is a two hour presentation that gives insight into the “what and why” of cohousing and the process that leads from the idea to the community that is ready to move in.

Is Cohousing Right For You? (Sudbury, ON)

“Is Cohousing Right For You?” is an intensive full-day workshop helping people understand the principles and awesomeness of cohousing. This workshop is a deep dive into cohousing.

Cohousing 101 (Beamsville, ON)

Cohousing Options Canada gave a Cohousing 101 presentation in Beamsville, Ontario, explaining how cohousing could provide added value to and foster an existing community.

Successfully Attracting And Retaining Members: A Holistic Communications Workshop (Sudbury, ON)

Most cohousing groups struggle with finding a simple and compelling way to explain the idea of cohousing, with attracting and retaining members as well as with organizing and hosting effective information meetings and events. Cohousing Options Canada has developed an easy process that allows cohousing groups to develop a custom-designed communications strategy which will help them meet their targets. One part of this process is a communications workshop which leads to the development of concrete tools and actions. Each communications workshop is developed according to the group’s – our client’s – specific needs. They are generally dedicated exclusively to the cohousing group we are working with. If you are interested in a communications workshop or if you need coaching on specific communications issues, please contact us 

Getting it Built: A Cohousing Development Workshop

Cohousing pioneers Kathryn McCamant and Charles Durrett delivered their Getting it Built: A Cohousing Development Workshop with Cohousing Options Canada (formerly CoLiving Canada) on January 26th & 27th, 2019 in Toronto. This was their first workshop in Eastern Canada. The workshop focused on the essentials of cohousing development and provided 30 participants with the toolkit and resources to move from initial conversations to the first steps of development.

Senior’s Cohousing & Other Strategies For Ageing Successfully (10 part)

Are you concerned about the threat of isolation, being a burden on your family, safety and security, your financial savings, health care or whether you will be able to do the things and activities that are important to you?

Many of us would like to live more simply, be more connected to others, and experience a community of peers that is geared towards fulfillment, vitality and life-long learning.

Coliving Canada hosted a 10 week interactive and engaging workshop series focused on how to:

  • Age in place successfully.
  • Understand the economics of senior living choices.
  • Take charge of co-care, co-healing, and outside assistance.
  • Strengthen the bond between body and soul, individual and community.
  • Appreciate the interlocking roles of community life and quality of life.
  • Work effectively to achieve common goals.
  • Create a meaningful living legacy that transcends the generations.